I started preparations for this year Untamed New England Adventure Race. This race is always hard, but this year we will race against reigning AR World Champions of 2011, Thule Adventure Team and some other pro teams. I guess it doesn't make it any easy. So I started my preparations from buying new shoes. Good way to test new shoes is running. Better way to test new shoes is long running. The best way to test new shoes is long running on rough terrain in wet conditions. But what I got today was the best of all possibilities: 48 kilometers of Seneca Creek Greenway Trail Marathon (yes they call 48k the marathon).
I had only one month of trainings, with the longest run of 27 kilometers on the same trail, but in perfect dry conditions. A few days before the race forecast called for a lot of rain and thunder storm. That's why I decided to visit the local REI store for "Minimalist and Barefoot Running Basics" presentation. My new shoes are almost minimalistic, but I had to figure out a way to prepare these shoes for wet conditions. The presenter was real barefoot maniac, and recommended to everyone to purchase zero support shoes and start running on pavement. I wonder how many injures he initialized by his presentation. But good thing, after the presentation he gave me really good advice for wet conditions treatments.
Conditions of the race were terrible: we had rain whole night and this morning. All creeks crossings were underwater, and we had to cross a few dozens of creeks. Most of the trail was covered by mud or was just muddy swamp without any option for detour. And don't forget, Greenway trail always goes up or down, never flat. Waterproof treatment for my feet and socks worked 100%. My goal was under 5 hours. I am almost done this... 5:02, thanks to my new shoes that drove me through this mess.

I ran with light backpack and started the race with 2 liters of water. It gave me an opportunity to skip all, but one aid station. Stephanie also blasted the course, and actually it was her crazy idea to run this race, I just followed. The Greenway Trail Marathon was organized by Montgomery County Road Runners Club and is sponsored by many organizations, including Calleva. This year, despite bad weather, there were more than 200 runners. And by the way, registration fee for this great event is only 20 bucks! Result and more photos will follow...
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