Aug 14, 2008

Interesting point about AR...

It is not so much report about the Odyssey One Day 2008. But it's a very good point:
"Most race as individuals within a team, rather than a team of individuals". Thanks to Josh for this review. We did this race as a team of 4 individuals that have never raced before together. For Michelle it was the first AR, but it was the perfect match of all teammates. We will race together again as team Calleva, thanks for support.

Our next race is 30 hours Untamed Virginia. Team Calleva is going in prime, coed-3 category: Dmitri Kaganovich, Sara Percy and Valentin Chapa. We'll have to race against very strong teams this time. Updates will follow.

And finlay great news: we got initial approval for the next year budget. Our plans for 2009 include the race at the end of the world. The team is set. I cannot believe I am going for that!
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