Dec 30, 2011

2011 racing summary.

That was the best year for the team (so far :-). We did 7 adventure races and one duathlon. Every event we did this year brought us to podium: 4 first places, 3 second places, and 1 third place. Team Calleva ranked first in coed-2 Check Point Tracker series, first in East Coast Adventure Racing Series, and #1 Ranked Adventure Racing Team in Maryland by USARA:

We raced as coed-2, coed-4, male-2 and female-2 this year and showed great results in all these categories.

For the next year we have new racers and new racing plans. The fifth edition of the Calleva Adventure Race is scheduled for August 5th, official announcement will be out in January. We wish everybody happy New Year!

See you at the starting line!

Dec 27, 2011

Canaan Valley Christmas weekend ride.

In order to burn Christmas dinner calories we decided to make a ski trip bike a loop north of Dolly Sods wilderness through the top of Cabin Mountain. Conditions on the top were perfect for extreme downhill ride. Here is 47 second of unedited GoPro video of ice and snow downhill:

The entire loop was about 40 km and took us more than 4 hours. It was hard to navigate on top, all trails were covered by snow and we had to carry our bikes around icy rocks and boulders. Here is Google Earth overview of the loop we did in counterclockwise direction (slopes must be white). Timberline ski resort is in the left corner, where we started.

Click the image to see the big map.
To get down from Dolly Sods we used famous A-Frame road. Very fast ride on patches of ice and snow. This accidentally nice image was captured with GoPro attached to my helmet. Amazing camera.