Report by Petr Minar, team Calleva.
The weather conditions was great since early morning (sun with around 75F during the day). Race start at 6.30 am, with racers lined-up at different performance level (around 600 racers) . Fast riders at the front of the start line , slower racers behind them. After the bell, all racing field started warm-up and heading to first asphalt road , soon to gravel road changing to single trail and grueling 100 miles full of sweat. We couldn’t ask for better support on all six aid station. On each station there were plenty of water, Gatorade and other drinks with gels and power bars. Some station provided simple sandwiches and for all those exhausted and hungry racers even tasty pica. (I ate 4 slices to get some fuel into my already sore legs). Race was well organized and marked. Elite racers finished around 7 hour mark, other racers finished hours and hours behind those crazy fast guys. Overall, this is a great event for all performance levels and huge achievement just to finish this race. Huge thanks to all those volunteers and organizers, park service and to all people make this happened.
Hope that everyone enjoyed that race and see you all next year.
Race results are
Petr finished in 94th overall in 9 hours 13 minutes and 14 seconds!