May 21, 2009

Wild and Wonderful this weekend

Karen will represent Calleva Adventure Racing on this weekend Odyssey Wild and Wonderful Race. Like last year she will be the only female solo to start the race. Way to go, Karen! The online coverage will be provided by the Checkpoint Tracker. Send your Shout Outs to support Karen.

Meanwhile, Dima is very busy taking care of this little guy:

Leon Isaac Kaganovich was born on May 7th and, according to speed he jumped out of his mom, he will be racer, no doubts about that. Now we have to make him smart as well.

Our next big event as a team will be 3 days Untamed New England Race in 1.5 month. We train hard to get ready. In the last 4 (working) days Dima had a wonderful commute: 105 miles of biking, 12 miles of paddling and 10 miles of running.

May 5, 2009

Muddy Buddy

Dima and Karen raced funny Muddy Buddy Race this Sunday. We didn't win costume contest, but finished third in our division (out of 86 teams) and 58th overall (out of 1200+ teams). Our names are located on page 53 of results. We would have finished a little better, but my ballerina dress got a little heavy after the first river crossing and totally trashed after the muddy swim.